Speech bubbles are a super fun way to encourage even the most reluctant writers to read and write. A simple word or a quick sentence can tell a whole story and can be very creative too.
Simply collect family photos including pets and add speech bubbles to them. Having your child feature in the photos puts them right in the centre of the fun activity.
There’s no limit to what that dog might be thinking!
Speech bubbles incorporate so many reading and writing skills such as capital letters, finger spaces, spellings, handwriting and much much more. Furthermore, speech bubbles invite children to put themselves in someone else’s shoes and put words in their mouth!
Other activities to spread laughter:
Play Peek-A-Boo and change facial expressions.
Sing rhymes and nonsense words ex. The Itsy Bitsy Spider
Songs that have silly choruses ex. If All The Raindrops Were Lemondrops or Gumdrops.
Speech and thought bubbles.
Please click below for speech bubble template to apply to your photos: